Our Ratings
Data Collection
First launched in 2001, the Leapfrog Hospital Survey is the nation's gold standard in evaluating hospital performance. The Leapfrog Hospital Survey is a free, annual survey that assesses hospital performance on national measures of safety, quality, and efficiency of both inpatient and outpatient care. These measures are of specific interest to health care purchasers and consumers, and cover a broad range of hospital processes, outcomes, and structures in many clinical areas such as maternity and intensive care.
In 2019, Leapfrog expanded its footprint into the growing area of outpatient and ambulatory surgery by adding a new section on the Leapfrog Hospital Survey and launching the Leapfrog Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Survey. This growth represents an exciting opportunity for patients, purchasers and payors to access critical insights on the safety and quality of care in these facilities—information almost entirely unavailable until now. Like the Leapfrog Hospital Survey, the new Outpatient Procedures Section of the Leapfrog Hospital Survey and the Leapfrog ASC Survey include evidence-based measures predicated on the latest science and selected with guidance from a National Expert Panel.
Each year, The Leapfrog Group partners with almost 40 Regional Leaders around the country to invite all general acute-care hospitals, free-standing pediatric hospitals, and ambulatory surgical centers in the U.S. to voluntarily complete the appropriate Survey. Regional Leaders are typically business coalitions on health, that have as their members, the largest employers and purchasers in their state or region. Regional Leaders are committed to using Leapfrog's Survey Results and encouraging their local hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers to report on and improve their patient safety and quality.
The Leapfrog Surveys open every year on April 1. Hospitals and ASCs interested in submitting a Survey can contact our Help Desk to request a security code.
Public Reporting
Responses submitted via the Leapfrog Hospital and ASC Surveys are scored each year, and the Survey Results are publicly reported on this website by individual bricks-and-mortar facilities.
Learn more about How Our Ratings Are Used.